January 2022
Taula de continguts
Alex Rullan
Functions: Organization of the AFA and the establishment of the line of work, as well as the coordination of the different commissions. It is also his role to communicate with the management team. Represented in the Municipal School Council
Deputy President:
Neus Albiac
She represents the School Council of the Center. Functions: Coordination with the president in the organizational tasks of the AFA and replacement of the president if necessary.
Patricia Eslava
Functions: Convene AFA assemblies, collect minutes of the meetings and organizational tasks of the AFA board.
Contact board: info@afapaucasals.com
Anna Rodríguez
Functions: Controls the status of accounts, income, expenses, number of associates and associates, billing, requests for grants and presentation of documents for justification.
Contact: tresoreria@afapaucasals.com
Canteen Commission:
Eva Valiente and Núria Pérez
Functions: We are the mothers liaison between the families and the dining room, we are in contact with the city council and the dining room coordinator holding meetings at least four during the course. We monitor the procedure in the dining room and the monitoring, the activities and, once a month, we review the cleaning, that the food is served correctly in warmth, quantities and quality. We also deal with incidents that may occur, conflicts and their resolution.
Contact: comissiomenjador@afapaucasals.com
Extracurricular Committee:
Sandra Vega, Olga Llaverias and Alex Rullan
Functions: I am responsible for the programming of extracurricular activities and contact with the companies that present the services. Also responsible for the reception activities, early risers, casalet and babysitting to facilitate assistance in case of face-to-face meetings.
Contact: extraescolars@afapaucasals.com
Coexistence Commission:
Cristina Martínez, Rosa Martínez and Esther Peretó
Functions: we participate in the monitoring of conflict situations between students once the school has intervened; advising families on conflict communication channels and protocol activation.
Contact: convivencia@afapaucasals.com
Communication Committee:
Patricia Eslava, Olga Llaverias, Laura Moreno, Sandra Vega and Míriam Càrdenas
Functions: we try to ensure that you have all the updated information about the school, web content and social chats, graphic design. We manage the AFA website, Instagram, Telegram and Facebook and support the link group.
Group of links: transmit the information that the AFA considers important that families receive, through whatshap groups where mothers participate if parents liaison with the rest of the groups of the school.
Contact: comunicacio@afapaucasals.com
Covid / Prevention Commission
Alex Rullan, Patricia Eslava, Maria Martinez and Cristina Martinez
Contact: prevencio@afapaucasals.com
Family Training Commission
Eva Maciocco and Feli Escobar
Contact: formacio@afapaucasals.com
Excursions Committee
Xavi Oriach (Coco) and Jordi Romero
Functions: Planning and organization of family outings in the surroundings of the municipality, in order to facilitate knowledge of the environment beyond school activity.
Contact: activitats@afapaucasals.com
Festival Committee
Xavi Oriach (Coco), Maria Torruella, Núria Torruella and Neus Albiac
Contact: activitats@afapaucasals.com
Members of the Board of Directors
President: Alex Rullan
Vice-president: Neus Albiac
Secretary: Patricia Eslava
Treasurer: Anna Rodríguez
Núria Pérez
Elena Cano
Anna Rodríguez
Míriam Càrdenas
Feli Escobar
Laura Moreno
Cristina Martínez
Patricia Eslava
Sandra Vega
Olga Llaverias
María Torruella
AFA General Contact: info@afapaucasals.com